Hi everyone,
Earlier in the year, I had a guest post on the blog written by a lovely girl named Dani who kindly shared the article ‘Face The Facts: Oils are the Answer to Your Skin Struggles‘ with me and was really interested in sharing her knowledge with you all too! Dani kindly contacted me recently with another article of hers and I think it’s a great article you would all love so I hope you enjoy!
This article was written by Danielle Bagworth, an avid lover of all things beauty and skin-related.
Remember that clear soft skin you used to have when you were a teenager? Don’t you find yourself often wishing that you could just get it back? Well this article will share some handy tips on how you can make your skin look younger and more radiant, regardless of your age!

1. Water
You’ve probably heard this one a thousand times before, but that’s because it works – always drink plenty of water. It may sound like a lot of effort but you will be amazed at how quickly it can impact your skin. Try filling up a large bottle of water every day, and make sure you have consumed all of the water in the bottle by the end of the day. Just give it a week and I promise that you will notice a vast improvement in your skin. It’s an inexpensive and quick way to get smoother complexion.
2. Skin Care
The second step is to take care of your skin, and by this I don’t just mean your morning face wash – which most often than not entails splashing your face with lukewarm water. Visit a day spa and treat yourself to a facial. You may be under the impression that facials are simply a luxury and have no long-term benefits, but in fact they are one of the best treatments for your skin.
Facials help to alter the dynamics of your skin. Think about all of the pollution and congestion inside your skin, all of that trapped dirt causing your pores to become clogged. Facials can help to remove impurities and penetrate the skin to nourish it from within. The best thing about facials are that they can be tailored to suit your skin type, so you can gain the best results. An effective radiance restoring facial is an Aromatherapy Associates Essential Rose Facial. Rose itself is very good for the skin, it is commonly used in toners because it can help to reduce redness or in moisturizers because it can help to retain moisture. This facial uses rose essential oils to rejuvenate and deeply nourish the skin.
3. Diet
Ever heard the saying ‘you are what you eat?’ – well, I stand by this. Try and reduce your sugar intake and instead opt for fruit whenever you feel your sweet tooth tormenting your self-control. The natural sugars from fruit will help to quench your cravings, and because they contain lots of antioxidants, they can help to repair and protect the skin. One of the key ingredients for radiant skin is actually Vitamin C which can be found in fruit, such as blueberries, strawberries and oranges. This helps you build a strong immune system, and give you the best looking skin!
Vegetables, such as spinach and kale are also packed with antioxidants which help encourage skin cell development. These may not sound like the most appetising options, but you will honestly feel healthier and your skin will begin to glow!
4. Protection
Use SPF (Sun Protection Factor) every day. You may think that you only need to be applying sunscreen in the summer, but remember that although it may not be warm, the sun does come out in winter too. The UV (ultraviolet) light from the sun can cause damage to your skin. Using a moisturiser containing SPF can reduce your chances of contracting skin cancer and it allows your skin to heal. Too much sun exposure can cause dark spots and irritate the skin. Apply sunscreen everyday and you’ll soon notice the sudden glow in your skin.
5. Exercise
Yes, the ‘E’ word. Exercise helps to increase the blood flow, which results in your skin cells being nourished. It can also help to reduce stress which again can benefit the skin. Exercise is great for relaxing and although it may just seem like a complete chore, it’s good for your well being and skin. Think of that post workout glow, your skin will look like that all of the time! It will not only make you look younger, healthier and happier but exercise can help to improve your blood circulation. This is perfect for people will dull, sallow skin.

While these things may seem obvious, you’ll be surprised by the amount of people that neglect them. Here are some more quick tips that you can try:
- Avoid products containing too many chemicals. When trying out new products, always perform a skin test before you use them on your face. You can do this by applying some of the product to the inside of your wrist. Wait until the next day and if you don’t have any sort of skin reaction, then it is safe to use on your face.
- Go down the route of using natural sources such as honey and raw sugar on your face instead. If it is good enough to eat, then it is good enough to use on your face.
- Try and keep your hair away from your face, especially if you have lots of it that frames your face. The natural oils from your hair can effortlessly seep into your skin and cause congestion. Put your hair up for a few days during the week.
- Clean your phone screen. Most phones are now touchscreens. Think about the amount of bacteria that is circulating the screen of your phone. Now consider where the phone is situated during a call. This is just asking for a breakout.
- Remove your makeup properly. You may be using a face wipe or make-up remover and thinking that it has gotten all of your makeup off. The next time you do this, try sweeping a cotton pad over your face afterwards and you’ll see just how much makeup is left on your skin. Double-cleanse at night just to ensure that all of your makeup is off.
A huge thank you to Dani for sharing this article with us all, i hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did!