
Secret Love

Posted on the 06 March 2020 by Views She Writes @ViewsSheWrites

He came out of nowhere into her life. Unexpected but with a rush of passion and emotions. And since then, he consumed her mind. She couldn’t think of anything or anyone else. The way he talked, the way he walked, his style of dressing, his behavior – all she could think of was him. So much so that, at times, her husband joked that she seemed to love him more than her husband.

But for her, the joke was slowly turning into a reality. She realized she was prioritizing him more than her husband. And one day, she couldn’t hold it any longer. Telling her husband that she is going to follow her heart, she set out on a new journey with him. It was all she had dreamt of and so much more. He brought out a version of her that she never knew existed. She was freely and truly in love for the first time in her life.

And that love was accepted wholeheartedly by the readers when she released her book. Her husband hugged her gently at the book launch. “If only you had told me of this book idea before. I love the change this book has brought out in you.” And she glowed.

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