Fashion Magazine


By Citizenrosebud @citizenrosebudz
Last year, I invited you to join me to take the pledge and shop SECONDHAND FIRST. Many of you have been doing just that for many years already- and it was just a reminder to stay strong, and keep it up! Like some, I've been "thrift" shopping my whole life, and an ethical/green business advocate for nearly a decade. The pledge combines both principles, and provides room for each of us to do what we can do, and make the world a better place, one shopping decision at a time.

For those who may not know, here's the pledge in its entirety:

I pledge to shop secondhand first. I resolve to buy items that are thrifted, swapped or handed down. My aim is to limit my consumption, and in doing so I make my shopping more sustainable. I pledge to support businesses who commit to sustainable + smart design. My focus is on quality, ethically produced new is my conscious go-to. I'll barter and swap when possible, and shop charity, consignment and flea markets when probable. I pledge to shop secondhand and sustainable because I put the planet first.
#SECONDHANDFIRST, Second Year  The pledgers: The mysterious creature above is one of our newest people to sign the pledge to shop #SECONDHANDFIRST. Not sure what her name is, or what her blog title means, but there are plenty of gorgeous photographic images of arty poses and outfits to capture our interest. Please say hi to Ceylaroux and check out her blog!
Each Friday, we're going to celebrate those who pledge to #SECONDHANDFIRST , will be featuring an ICON,  SHOPPER,  SELLER, or SCORE.  And I am looking for contributors and nominations! If you know someone, even yourself, that is an inspirational example of the Shop Secondhand First pledge, let me know. You can reach me via Twitter, Facebook, or direct email (see our About Me page for links).

LINK-UP: On the last Friday of every month, we'll be hosting  the link-up, where we can share our thrifted, swapped, ethically produced outfits and goodies with the Rosebud community.

Next #SECONDHANDFIRST link-up: Friday, March 25th.
Hope to see you in all your first rate, secondhand glory then!

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