Last Friday (18th) all the bloggers, it girls & boys, famous fashion people and press (and the list goes on) reunited at Tour and taxis in Brussels. For the ninth time this crowd came together for a great cause: an auction for 'Spullenhulp/Les petits riens', an organisation that helps less fortunate people. Since i couldn't be there due to a thight schedule (work hard, play harder?), Kwinten, a friend of mine and his awesome girlfriend, Ianthe, told me all about their little adventure afterwards. I'm gonna try to rephrase what they said into a little story.
Lots of designers participated in this event. Big names like Natan and Elvis Pompilio, but also some smaller young talented names (filles à papa). They had to use secondhand clothes and materials and had to turn them into sensational pieces. Ianthe De Boeck, being an intern at ELLE (!), had the opportunity to go backstage and snap some pictures.

There were lots and lots of people present as you can see to watch the models show off the designs. Note: all the models, designers, make up artists worked for free!

models getting ready for the show / cool chair construction

would you look at this little doggie? so cute

The night didn't evolve only around clothes, but also a lot of interior and jewels were auctioned off.

I don't know how much money they raised, but it will be used to build a shelter for young homeless people. I think this initiative is a great way to show that you can be creative with second hand stuff, which is a good thing for your wallet, as for the environment. Secondly it is a good thing that poverty gets to be in the spotlight for once. I just hope that the people who attended the event realized this and did not only go the see and be seen. Maybe they will pay a visit more often to Spullenhulp/les petits riens to buy or give old and new weird recent stuff you're bored of. You need some place to breathe after all and i prefer the vintage story to roll on after me. They have stores all around the country. Come visit, see what you like, adopt what you crave and write a new chapter of life to these items. Exclusiveness is in the heart.

The lovely Ianthe and Kwinten, don't they look cute together?
If you want to see this story live, click here.