Hosted by the University of Geneva-University of Illinois at Chicago Space and Time After Quantum Gravity project
Château de Bossey, near Geneva, 27-30 June 2017
Invited keynote speakers:
Richard Dawid
Eleanor Knox
Daniele Oriti
Karim Thébault
Alastair Wilson
The investigation of quantum gravity has been central to theoretical physics for at least two decades, but philosophy has only begun to systematically engage with this field in the past few years. The purpose of this meeting is bring together people with research agendas in the philosophy of quantum gravity, to provide a venue to review and develop a common understanding of the state of the field: questions, approaches, solutions and, especially, novel insights and avenues of investigation. We intend that some talks will engage directly with philosophy and philosophers thus-far outside of quantum gravity.
We solicit papers on any topic in the philosophical foundations of quantum gravity. We are particularly (but not exclusively) interested in work that addresses the foci of the ‘Space and Time After Quantum Gravity’ project: Does quantum gravity eliminate spacetime as fundamental structure? How does quantum gravity explain the appearance of spacetime? What are the broader implications of quantum gravity for metaphysical (and other) accounts of the world.
Paper presentations should be suitable for presentations in 30 minutes (not including discussion period). Please submit an extended abstract of up to 500 words, together with the title of the talk. The abstract should be anonymized for blind refereeing. Advanced PhD students or recent PhDs are particularly invited to submit abstracts, as are women and underrepresented minorities. All sessions will be videoed for public distribution after the meeting.
Deadline: 31 January 2017 (we will try to communicate decisions end of February 2017)
Abstracts should be submitted to
Organizing Committee:
Nick Huggett
Baptiste Le Bihan
Keizo Matsubara
Christian Wuthrich
All selected participants will have board and lodging (but no travel) paid for by the conference.
Please direct correspondence to:
Support for this conference is provided by the John Templeton Foundation.