Have you heard of Live Love Polish? They are a new to me online shop that I have been seeing popping up everywhere lately. They provide cruelty-free brands from all over the world, including China Glaze, Model's Own and LVX.
Today though, I am showcasing a shade from another brand that they carry, Seche! I know most of you have heard of, and probably tried Seche Vite Topcoat, but did you know that they also have nail polish colors? I have 5 shades from Seche and I love them all so I was excited to find out that Live Love Polish was featuring Seche this month. I decided to try out a lovely baby pink polish, Rose II.

This is three thin coats of Rose II topped with Seche Vite. I love how pretty this shade is and it applied well. Adding the Seche Vite topcoat helped my mani to dry shiny and quickly.
Seche Nail Polish comes in lots of colors and you can them at Live Love Polish.
*Products in this post were provided for my honest review*