According to Zap2it another new character has been added to True Blood Season 6, and they seem to have given quite a bit of detail about Nicole Jannsen as she is described as a do-gooder with a bleeding heart, whose idealism might end up being both idiotic and dangerous.
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True Blood fans have to wait until Season 6 begins this summer to return to Bon Temps — though no official start date has been announced, we’re hearing June is a good bet. In the meantime, we’ve got an intriguing spoiler to tide you over! This week, new showrunner Mark Hudis sent out a casting call for a brand new character — and she’s going to be a major player in the upcoming 10-episode season.
The “True Blood” team is looking for a Caucasian actress in her early 20s to play Nicole Jannsen. A “do-gooder to the core” Nicole is naive, optimistic, and charming — but her idealism is “ultimately vaguely idiotic and dangerous.”
Nicole is a key member of a band of well-meaning liberal advocates. The gang models itself after the civil rights activist Freedom Riders of the 1960s, a group of progressive protesters who rode buses from state to state, challenging racial segregation and Jim Crow travel laws. The Freedom Riders were usually arrested, and fell victim to mob violence, Ku Klux Klan beatings, and cruel and unusual punishment in prison.
Don’t expect a secret agenda from Nicole, who will appear as a new series regular character this season. “A true bleeding heart,” Nicole is “not at all concerned with money; she’s concerned with the common good and doing what’s right … Life hasn’t beaten her down yet.” If you’re still not getting a clear picture, the casting call suggests that she went to Bryn Mawr College and drives an old Saab.
Time for your dream casting, “True Blood” fans! What young actress do you think would fit in with the gang? How do you think Nicole will come into play, given the regime change in last season’s finale?
So is this the character that we feel Bon Temps is crying out for? And where will she fit into new show-runner Mark Hudis’s plans? As long as she doesn’t interfere with or come between the Viking and the Waitress, I just roll with all these casting calls now. As Doris Day once so eloquently put it que sera sera!