Drink Magazine

Sea Lion Watermelon Sour – Britannia Brewing Company (Fuggles & Warlock Craftworks) (O’hare’s Gastropub)

By Mike @mikescraftbeer

From Britannia Brewing Company in collaboration with Fuggles & Warlock Craftworks and O'hare's Gastropub all in Richmond comes their "Sea Lion Watermelon Sour". The beer pours a golden yellow colour with a white head that dissipated quickly. The aroma consists of some nondescript fruits with some mild tartness and a semi sweet finish. The flavour is of tartness, maybe a hint of watermelon but more like cucumber probably coming from the peel of the watermelon with some vegetal flavours. The alcohol content comes in at 4.5%. I did enjoy this beer but it was a bit odd for a watermelon beer. But watermelon must be a very tough ingredient to use.

Sea Lion Watermelon Sour – Britannia Brewing Company (Fuggles & Warlock Craftworks) (O’hare’s Gastropub) This entry was posted in Sour Ale and tagged britannia brewing company, cucumber, fuggles & warlock craftworks, fuggles and warlock craftworks, o'hare's gastropub, peel, richmond, Sea Lion, Sea Lion Watermelon Sour, sour ale, sour beer, tartness, vegetal, watermelon, Watermelon Sour.

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