Having had the idea of doing a live review show for the best part of six months, it was great to finally get the Scottish Fiction Roundtable off the ground and on the air. Not that it was overly difficult mind you. Step 1: Ask a blogger to come on the show and review records. Step 2: Do it.
So I was delighted to be joined by my monthly EP series partner in crime David McElroy from Almost Predictable. Almost to run through tracks from Deadly Rides, Reverieme, Ambassadeurs, Holy Esque, Hudson Mohawke and Pinact. There's also a BBC Introducing Stage slant to the show, with no less than 7 acts playing the T in the Park stage featured on the show. Wrap that up with a Re-Mixing It Up track and new music from Miracle Strip, Outblinker and Big Cloud, you've got yourself two hours of Scottish Fiction.
Miracle Strip - Took A Running Jump
Tongues. - Anymore
Miaoux Miaoux - Luxury Discovery
Deadly Rides - The Ride
Reverieme - Plankton
Ambassadeurs feat. C Duncan - Looking At You
AROUND THE WORLD - The War On Drugs - Lost In The Dream
Analog Angel - Your Breath
Holy Esque - Fade
Hudson Mohawke - Shadows
PLAYLIST - Pinact - Everybody Says
PLAYLIST - Catholic Action - The Real World
PLAYLIST - Machines In Heaven - Displacer
PLAYLIST - Kathryn Joseph - the worm
Shona Brown - Finally Woken
Man of Moon - The Road
Monogram - Anno
Outblinker - Pink
Stillhound - Think This Way
RE-MIXING IT UP - Babe - The Warbling (Bill Wells Remix)
Big Cloud - Come In
Bdy_Prts - Cold Shoulder
Subscribe/listen to the show via iTunes.
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Scottish Fiction - 2nd July 2015 by Scottish Fiction on Mixcloud