Entertainment Magazine

Scottish Fiction Podcast - 4th December 2013

Posted on the 06 December 2013 by Scottishfiction @scotfiction984
Scottish Fiction Podcast - 4th December 2013
It's official.  It's Christmas time.  Not only have I been taking in the lights of Glasgow, I've been sneaking in some Christmas songs to the playlist while you weren't looking.  This week's Cover Lover track comes with a festival tinge courtesy of Julia and the Doogans.  There's also room for #tweetatrack and Re-Mixing It Up in terms of features.  During the show I yap about the UK Blog Sound of 2014, upcoming gigs and the Nordoff-Robins Big Apple Award as well as spinning new music from the likes of The Pastels, CS Buchan, Over The Wall, The Amazing Snakeheads and much more.  Tuck in.
DEATHCATS!!! - I Wish It Was Summer
Honeyblood - Bud
King Post Kitsch - Complacency
Beerjacket - Cave
Michael Cassidy - Everybody's Scared
Cover Lover - Julia and the Doogans - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
The Pastels - Kicking Leaves
Call To Mind - A Family Sketch
Robbie Lesiuk - Come Around Again
CS Buchan - I Can Feel, Can You
Eastcoastdefector - Love In The Wrong Direction
#tweetatrack - The Blue Aeroplanes - Jacket Hangs - As chosen by @manicpopthrills
The Won Over - Open Arms
Drunk Mule - California
Over The Wall - Radiator
The Spook School - I'll Be Honest
There Will Be Fireworks - So Stay Close
The Amazing Snakeheads - Flatlining
(a is to b) - paper states

Re-Mixing It Up - A Sudden Burst Of Colour - Aphelion (Vehicl3 Remix)
Mogwai - The Lord Is Out Of Control

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Scottish Fiction - 4th December 2013 by Scottish Fiction on Mixcloud

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