Entertainment Magazine

Scottish Fiction Podcast - 17th November 2014

Posted on the 17 November 2014 by Scottishfiction @scotfiction984
Scottish Fiction Podcast - 17th November 2014
Joining me on the show this week were Liam Chapman and Nichola Kerr from Prehistoric Friends.  Ahead of their second single Wisdom Tooth  being released on Tuesday 18th November, the band kindly popped by to play us some spine-chilling live songs as well as chat about their single and plans for the future.
Their session tracks and interview is intersected with great new music from CHVRCHES, Belle and Sebastian, Idlewild, Wozniak and heaps more.  There's also a great 'Re-Mixing It Up' track courtesy of Battery Face via Errors, as well as another 'Cover Lover' track, this time from Aidan Moffat.  Get stuck in.
The Twilight Sad - It Was Never The Same
United Fruit - Open Your Eyes
Memory Man - Felix Baumgartner
Prehistoric Friends - Bermuda Triange - Live in Pulse 98.4 Studio
Catholic Action - Lost and Found
COVER LOVER - Aidan Moffat - I Got You Babe
Fat Suit - The First Man On The Sun
Prehistoric Friends - Vanished - Live In Pulse 98.4 Studio
Michael McDonald - What A Fool Believes - As chosen by Prehistoric Friends
Machines In Heaven - Hindu Milk
Wozniak - Five Star
Stanley Odd - Her Name Was Hip-Hop
Prehistoric Friends - Wisdom Tooth - Live in Pulse 98.4 Studio
Wojtek - Pivot
Felix Champion - Snow Graves
RE-MIXING IT UP - Battery Face - Cider Says (Errors Remix)
Belle and Sebastian - The Party Line
Idlewild - Collect Yourself
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Scottish Fiction - 17th November 2014 by Scottish Fiction on Mixcloud

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