Science Magazine
Paperblog Editor's Pick
20 Amazing Science Facts That You Never Knew
The universe is filled with undiscovered wonderful things. And, to help you discover few of those amazing stuff , I’ve lined up these 20 awesome and weird... Read more
The 17 January 2013 by Nrjperera
The Spawn of SPAUN
SPAUN (Semantic Pointer Architecture Unified Network) is a model of a functioning brain out of Chris Eliasmith’s group at the University of Waterloo. Read more
The 16 January 2013 by Ccc1685
IBM Predicts "Sensitive" Computers
Each year IBM offers five technologies that its scientists believe will change the world within the next years. They call it "The 5 in 5" forecast. Read more
The 16 January 2013 by Stephendeangelis
Titles in Evolution
Can you spot the odd one out in today's list of titles in evolutionary biology? The category is open, though. For example, the journal Evolution insists on its... Read more
The 16 January 2013 by Bjornostman
Regionalization is on the Rise
"Globalisation isn't as simple – or as flat – as you might think," writes Andrew Bowman, "It's uneven and has been knocked by the financial crisis. In some ways... Read more
The 15 January 2013 by Stephendeangelis
Our Earthwatch Heroes
From December 30th until January 10th a group of nine Earthwatch volunteers from the United States and Canada came to help with the Primate and Predator... Read more
The 15 January 2013 by Iratemonkey
Microsoft Expands Gaming Past Our TV’s with IllumiRoom
Microsoft is up for neat stuff lately, this is one of them. Here’s a concept video of Microsoft’s IllumiRoom technology, which is a projection system that... Read more
The 14 January 2013 by Ningauble
Geological History and the Importance of Pegmatite Veins.
Pegmatite veins are common in almost all the rock type in Ranchi city of India.byDr. Nitish Priyadarshi Pegmatite, meaning “joined together,” was first applied... Read more
The 14 January 2013 by Priyadarshi
Binge Drinking in America
And the numbers are… fuzzy. Public health officials in the UK have been wringing their hands for some time now over perceived rates of binge drinking among the... Read more
The 13 January 2013 by Dirkh
How I Accidentally Built Relationships With My Students
Last week my life was filled with grades, scoring, more grades, parent phone calls about grades, and even grades other teachers were giving students (one of... Read more
The 13 January 2013 by Mrsebiology