Science Magazine

Preventing Alzheimer’s Associated Brain Cell Atrophy with Vitamin Treatment. Paperblog Pick in Science

Preventing Alzheimer’s Associated Brain Cell Atrophy with B Vitamin Treatment.

I pass this on because it seems like a very striking result. Douaud et al. find that high-dose B-vitamin treatment (folic acid 0.8 mg, vitamin B6 20 mg, vitamin B12 0. Read more

Changes Autonomic Nervous System Ages Years "Wild Divine" Less Wild. Paperblog Pick in Science

Changes as an Autonomic Nervous System Ages 11 Years - The "Wild Divine" is a Bit Less Wild.

Just after I retired from being a Univ. of Wisconsin department chair in 2001 I bought a set of finger sensors that fit on one's three middle fingers to report skin conductance... Read more