Charity Magazine

School Fundraiser Event Fills Empty Bowls

Posted on the 18 May 2012 by Mregina @justfundraising

Empty Bowl School Fundraising Event

School fundraising events can be a powerful tool. Not just for the money raised for their own needs but as a volunteer force for the good of the community. Recently students and teachers in Ohio put together an empty bowl school fundraiser for the hungry.

Teachers and students created over 100 handcrafted bowls individually shaped and colored by the students. On the day of sales people get to peruse for their favorite. For $10 they get to pick an empty bowl an soup donated for the event from local groups. The event was also a tie in to The Southwest Licking Arts Fest, so everyone got to express creativity and charity.

The Empty Bowls idea was created by the Imagine Render Group a non profit organization looking to make lasting positive change through arts, education and community building.  Their focus on the empty bowls concept has been to address the issue of hunger at the community level.

 The basic premise is simple:  Potters and other craftspeople, educators and others work with the  community to create handcrafted bowls. Guests are invited to a simple  meal of soup and bread. In exchange for a cash donation, guests are  asked to keep a bowl as a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world.  The money raised is donated to an organization working to end hunger and  food insecurity.

Since inception Empty Bowls fundraising events have spread throughout the US and Canada and  a dozen more international countries.

As we’ve mentioned on the blog in past posts like Matt Damon’s Feeding America, the issue of food poverty is critical. Empty Bowls is a great idea with lots of untapped potential. Used with school fundraising events is also gives kids a creative outlet so it’s a win win situation.

If your looking to help fight hunger contact either  empty bowls or us for fundraising ideas.

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