Books Magazine

Scent - the Closest Thing to Time Travel

By Ashleylister @ashleylister
At times a scent can be the closest thing we have to time travel. It can instantly transport us to a point in our past when we are least expecting it. It can dust off a long forgotten memory and make us laugh aloud, seemingly for no reason, confusing those around us. It can awaken a pain as raw as though experienced yesterday, causing us to reach for the tissues to stem the tears.
This is what opening a jar of Sauerkraut did to me recently.
Nanny Standing at the kitchen sink Jar in hand I’m mesmerised by hail stones As they batter the window
From somewhere in the house I hear revelry The kids are home Their laughter makes me smile
I twist the lid, it doesn't budge So I give it some elbow grease And the lid flies off with a noisy pop My wrist aches from the strain, my elbow is fine
As the smell of pickled cabbage fills the air It picks me up and takes me on a journey
I'm ten years old And I'm running up the path Because I want to be the first You envelope in a bear hug
As I launch myself through the door I drink in the smell of potatoes roasting in the oven And sauerkraut simmering on the stove You turn and exclaim in delight
I throw myself at you "Just a minute" you say, holding me at bay And you pat your damp forehead with the hem of your apron Then you pull me into you and I sink into your arms
I nestle into your Lily of the Valley scented neck I close my eyes I feel loved I feel wanted
Next stop on the journey I'm fourteen And the best treat of all I get to spend the weekend with you
Just the two of us No brother No sister No mum and dad
It's chilly and the night is drawing in We put a few logs on the fire The Sound of Music is on BBC1 Your favourite film
You settle into your armchair With me on the rug in front of the crackling fire I have my eye on the sideboard The special place you keep the treats
"Go on," you say, "help yourself" I rummage but can't decide "Have two," you say, so I do I feel lucky, I feel content
And then I'm seventeen We move away and leave you behind My eyes fill with tears, nothing is the same I feel confused, I feel lonely
But the raucous laughter in the house Brings me back to today I hug the jar tightly Because now you're gone
Yet I still feel your arms around me My security blanket Your apron wiping my tears away Sad tears Happy tears   Thank you for reading,
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