Charity Magazine

Scary Spooky Halloween School Fundraising Ideas

Posted on the 18 October 2012 by Mregina @justfundraising

Halloween School Fundraising

Kids love Halloween (so do a lot of grown ups by the way)! It’s the chance to dress up as someone else and make believe for a day. Plus there’s chocolate involved which raises the stakes.

You can tie school fundraising into Halloween with a few ideas that will have even the kids excited to help out. Here is a quick list of some of the Halloween fundraising ideas we’ve seen:

Best Costume – The coolest costume wins. Kids will surprise you with how creative they can be on this one.
Pumpkin Fundraiser – Sell pumpkins in the community with donations going to the School
Pumpkin Carving Contest – Put on a school wide contest for the best carved and imaginative pumpkin contest.
School Spookyard – Age appropriate frights where kids can walk through a maze
Scary Spooky Treats – Have some students sell goblin cookies, Skeleton snacks etc to be delivered to their desks.

What fundraising ideas has your school come up with in the past?

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