Destinations Magazine

Sayulita Saturdays

By Landfall @landfallvoyages

It’s been something like 6 years since we last visited Sayulita and in the interim, it looks like the money fairy dumped a load or two on what used to be a sleepy little surf town. You can still see the bones of what used to be, but there’s no denying that a lot of Sauylita now looks kind of like Disneyland. For stoner hippy surfers. With money.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing. Unlike Punta Mita, where there’s a lot of bad vibes because a substantial portion of the town got displaced by the government so rich bastards could turn the waterfront into exclusive playgrounds for the rich and infamous, Sayulita seems to have grown in a more natural way. The economy is thriving, there’s a healthy mix of international and in-country visitors, and that kickin’ little beach town heart is still thumping away.

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Side of the road next to the bus stop.

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That green rooftop looked like it had a killer view and would catch all the breezes.

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Mexicans are never afraid of color.

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Camping out.

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Hot stone therapy upstairs and who knows what downstairs. Something cool, no doubt.

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Makes you want to see what’s at the end of the street, doesn’t it?

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Chilly Willy’s

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Awesome dragon street art.

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Courtyard hallway.

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Like a cross between Disneyland and Key West.

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Turned the corner into this… :-)

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The light was shifting around as the afternoon squall approached and we came up on this wall right a some sun was peeking out.

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Swallows making themselves at home.

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I’m a sucker for skulls.

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We passed by this restaurant and it smelled so good we had to stop.

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Wasn’t until we were seated and had already ordered that we noticed monkey dong, just kind of hanging out there, saying hi, I guess.

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Then we looked up and saw his cousin, also freeballing it. Mind you, this is a family restaurant.

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I blame this excellent selection of liquor.

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The overcast sky gave a little relief from the sun…it was deliciously hot.

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There’s always surfboards for rent on the beach and hawkers selling all kinds of stuff, including beach umbrellas.

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And here comes the squall. We ran up the street, got a coconut to share and made our way to the bus stop, which thankfully has a large covered area with seats and everything.

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