Fashion Magazine

... Savoring Summer's End ...

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
... savoring summer's end ...As summer approaches it's official end...I am feeling impelled to savor every last bit...
... savoring summer's end ...Sunset walks at my favorite haunts as we search for perfectly lit moments.
... savoring summer's end ...My white LEIFDOTTIR overalls from Anthropolgie...are proving to be a tremendously versatile piece...for savoring Southern California summers...
I posted here... with them styled with sequins, feathers and heels.
... savoring summer's end ...This time I paired the overalls with a sequin shell from Old of my prized straw hats favorite vintage  crystal earrings  my wooden floral bracelet from J Crew...and some splendid matte gold sandals also form anthropolgie... 
... savoring summer's end ...This  made for  a perfect ensemble for a sunset beach stroll.
... savoring summer's end ...
... savoring summer's end ...
... savoring summer's end ...When we leave home for the beach...we do so with an open plan...So I always have an extra bag filled with I can easily dress for the occasions that reveal themselves.
... savoring summer's end ...So this time....
with a simple change of Jeffrey Campbell's to be exact(they have been a summer staple this year,,,)andadding some Tamera Beardsley statement necklaces...and my Tory Burch blazer back on...
andadding a new turban....
... savoring summer's end ... Voila!I am instantly dressed for dinner in town.
... savoring summer's end ...A bag filled with accessories...
I never leave home without one!
... savoring summer's end ...
as always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life

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