I have learned as I have gotten olderthat my life changesdepending on where and how I set my intentions.
In my youthone of my very least favorite Disney movie was Pollyanna.
I used to even belittle peopleby calling them a PollyannaAs insomeone who only saw the good in everything.Andwas missing reality.
In my youth I thought I was so much wiser thansilly Pollyanna.Her bubbling happiness and joyand ability to see the good in the worstbothered me to no end.
Nowall these decades laterI can see her wisdom.
So much of our lifeis how we choose to view it.
In my youthI believed I could control my lifethrough working really, really hardanddoing the right things(Not that I always did by any meansbut at least I thought I could get back on trackby excessive effort).
The years have tempered meandnow I realizethe only thing I can truly controlis how I choose to see my lifeand how I respond to what happens in my life.
So it is with decided intentionthat I choose dailyto focus on the beauty and the good in my life.
I choose when hard times cometo praythat I may learn and grow from the situation.and when I doto be able to share any wisdom I may have garnered form along the journey of growing my soul.
For me it is a dailyregearing with intentionto focus on the goodandlearn toSee the Blessings In Everything.
Who knew I would grow up to seePollyanna had it right the whole time.

As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life