Fashion Magazine

Sassy Stylin' Sunday - Reflection and a Fall Uniform.

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_
Happy Sunday all!  The weekend just doesn't seem long enough, ever.  Friday evening I worked on writing and various blog posts.  I definitely have a lot in the works.  I had a fun Saturday morning with my assistant, aka Mom, in the design studio.  It was a lot of fun having her work with me in my studio and for her to see what I do and "how" I do it.  Plus, Mom really enjoyed it.  Oh, and my highlight Saturday evening was watching Five on!  An extremely powerful movie, each of the five stories were fabulous and emotional, a very talented cast, Demi and Jennifer did a great job directing and producing.  And to round out the evening I treated myself last night to New Moon. Yes, I'm a Twilight fan and anxiously awaiting Breaking Dawn, Part 1. I'll be attending opening weekend with my sis and her hubby; we've already tentatively scheduled our date night. It's funny I know but, still I'm ready for it.
In today's world each and every one of us is effected by cancer in some way or another.  I'm thinking good thoughts for those that are close to me and currently battling cancer in some way or another.  You know who you are and I'm in your corner cheering for you and supporting your loved ones.  And my heart goes out to those that have lost a loved one to cancer.
Thanks for listening reading my reflection of my weekend.  On a lighter note, I'm sharing a pretty sassy fall uniform I couldn't resist the mustard yellow jacket and let me just say that the Tory Burch wedges are definitely calling my name (and so is the jacket).  I'm somewhat obsessed with this color, can't you tell...?!  I did buy some mustard yellow yarn Friday evening after work but, I haven't knitted my scarf yet...but, I will.  Oh, and I did buy an extra skein so that I can make an additional one to sell on Blondie's Shop.  Unfortunately, I can't really wear the outfit because it's back up to 100 degrees here in the Valley of the, one day soon I will be able to!  Hopefully, that is.  I will however, get to wear clothes like this when I visit Chicago next month...
Have a fabulous Sunday!  I'm off to meet my Mom for the 9:45 a.m. showing of Footloose.  Yep, I have agreed to see it.  My Mom sees all of my choices so, I'm returning the favor.  I'm such a sweet daughter.  And of course, I'll let you know what I think of the re-make. 
Sassy Stylin' Sunday - Reflection and a Fall Uniform.
PS - Don't forget to enter the giveaway for juliethefish designs, click here.
need fall!
need fall! by shopwithm featuring slim jeans
Sassy Stylin' Sunday - Reflection and a Fall Uniform.Sassy Stylin' Sunday - Reflection and a Fall Uniform.Sassy Stylin' Sunday - Reflection and a Fall Uniform.Sassy Stylin' Sunday - Reflection and a Fall Uniform.Sassy Stylin' Sunday - Reflection and a Fall Uniform.Sassy Stylin' Sunday - Reflection and a Fall Uniform.Sassy Stylin' Sunday - Reflection and a Fall Uniform.

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