Food & Drink Magazine

Sardine and Avocado Bruschetta

By 3cleversisters @3cleversisters

I’ve talked about sardines on this blog before (and again), even though I imagine you all are giving me funny looks.  So much talking, in fact, that I recently got some free samples from BELA, a local company that sources Portuguese sardines for the U.S. market.  Besides your standard olive-oil-packed sardines, they also have lemon, tomato, and hot pepper packed fish.  (All of which I love, of course).

Sardine and Avocado Bruschetta (1 of 5)

Sardines are my favorite “fast food,” and I’ve admitted before that I’ll open up a can and eat them with toasted crusty bread as a meal when I’m too busy to do more.  But with not much more effort, and thanks to inspiration from the lovely Argentinian food blog Momentos Gastronomicos, I’ve recently bumped it up a notch.  I made a few modifications to Rocio’s recipe, making it a bit more pantry friendly:  using BELA’s tomato-packed sardines in lieu of fresh tomatoes.

Sardine and Avocado Bruschetta (3 of 5)

I admit, this is not a low-fat recipe, but it’s one that is chock-full of all those good fats we’re supposed to be eating–omega-3′s in the sardines, healthy monounsaturated fat from the avocado, and of course the elixir of the gods, olive oil.  But I just like it because of how it tastes.

Sardine and Avocado Bruschetta (5 of 5)

Sardine and Avocado Bruschetta  
Sardine and Avocado Bruschetta
Print Author: adapted from Rocio at Momentos Gastronomicos Serves: 2 Ingredients
  • Two slices of artisan bread
  • several garlic cloves (depending on size)
  • olive oil
  • one avocado
  • one small red onion (you will not need the whole onion)
  • one can BELA sardines packed in tomato sauce
  • olives (kalamata-style or oil packed)
  1. Rub each slice of bread with a cut garlic clove. Toast under the broiler until lightly browned, remove from the oven, and drizzle lightly with olive oil.
  2. Meanwhile, cut your avocado in half, remove it from its skin, and slice cross-wise into semi-circles. Do the same with your onion (slicing into thin half-circles).
  3. Arrange the canned sardines evenly over both slices of bread, then alternately layer on the avocado and onion. Top with a few olives, serve immediately, and enjoy.

Sardine and Avocado Bruschetta (4 of 5)

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