Lifestyle Magazine

Sarah Ohm’s Blogger Book Club

By Erynecarter06

It’s no joke that I love to read. I’ve talked a lot about my love (addiction?) for reading on the blog before, but now I’m really excited to announce my participation with a really cool idea that my fellow blogger, Sarah Ohm, came up with.

In December, she polled several bloggers who are known for their healthy lifestyle blogs to see if anyone would be interested in joining a blogger book club. She got a great response and Sarah Ohm’s Blogger Book Club was born.


We have themes for each month, listed below, and at the end of every month we link up. I, of course, being as flaky as I am, completely lost track of time and forgot to read a book for January. I read books, but not a motivational book. Fail.

I had every intention of mapping out every book I planned on reading for this through the rest of the year. But then I realized that’s just not realistic for me. I have about 30 books in waiting on my Nook (yes, I hoard books – I have a problem) and I usually try to read what I have before I purchase more. Some of the books I have would be great for later in the year, but I don’t want to wait to read them either.

There are SO MANY BOOKS out there to choose from. I decided to map out based on the books that I’ve had sitting on my wish list. I figured it’s a good way to pick away at it.

Disclaimer: These are subject to change. I’m just trying to get a schedule kind of laid out for the rest of the year. Also, the links below contain affiliate links.


January – A Motivational Book: Missed the mark on this one. Doh!

February – A Love Story: The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck

March – A Biography Of Someone You’ve Been Meaning To Learn More About: I’m going between Wild by Cheryl Strayed, American Sniper by Chris Kyle, Life in Motion by Misty Copeland, or I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai

April – A Healthy Living Book: In Defense of Food by Michael Pollen

May – A Book About A Hobby Besides Blogging: Tender at the Bone by Ruth Reichl

June – A Biography About Someone You Admire: Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

July – A Travel Novel: Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes

August – Something You’d Read At The Cottage: Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen

September – A Mindless Read: The Giver by Lois Lowry (Only a mindless read because I read it when I was younger, but want to read it again now that I’m older)

October – A Thriller: Promise Not to Tell by Jennifer McMahon

November – A Book You’d Bring On Vacation: The Museum of Extraordinary Things by Alice Hoffman

December – An Inspirational Book: The The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau

If you have any recommendations for any of the topics, let me know and I would love to hear them!

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