Actor Sanjay Dutt was initially slated to play the role of Sher Khan in the Zanjeer remake being made with Mega Power Star Ram Charan. Later he opted out of the project citing date issues and in his place Arjun Rampal was taken. With the shooting getting delayed even Arjun Rampal too opted out of the film and in his place Sonu Sood was taken.
But the luck seems to have shined on the makers of the film as after all this delay the dates seems to have fallen in place for the original choice Sanjay Dutt to join the crew of the film. It is now confirmed that Sanjay Dutt will be playing the famous Sher Khan character in this Zanjeer remake. Well then what happens to Sonu Sood who was signed for the same role? The answer is simple, the makers have decided to let him play the character in the Telugu version of the film. Therefore now Sanjay Dutt and Sonu Sood will play the same character in two different versions of the film.
Zanjeer is directed by Apoorva Lakhia and stars Priyanka Chopra as heroine opposite Ram Charan. Amit Mehra produces the film in association with Reliance Entertainment.
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