Today is the second anniversary of the Sandy Hook school massacre.
Two years ago, on the morning of December 14, 2012, a lone gunman with no history of violence or of mental illness (Lanza reportedly had Asperger’s Syndrome, which is a form of autism, not of mental illness), 20-year-old Adam Lanza, first shot his mother Nancy four times in her head, then drove to the Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES), armed with a rifle, two pistols and a large supply of ammunition.
There, at around 9:30 AM, Lanza gained entrance into the school by shooting and shattering a plate glass window next to the glass doors of the school’s front lobby.
A view of the shattered glass window from inside
Lanza went down the school hallways into Classrooms 8 and 10 and, in the space of 5 minutes, shot to death 20 children and 6 adults, including principal Dawn Hochsprung — the same Dawn Hochsprung who, despite having been killed, was interviewed and quoted by the Newtown Bee about the shooting that morning:
Sandy Hook School principal Dawn Hochsprung told the Bee that a masked man entered the school with a rifle and started shooting multiple shows – more than she could count – that went “on and on.”
At 9:40:03 AM, before the arrival of police and first responders, Lanza put a gun to his head and shot himself to death.
Curiously, Social Security Death Index originally had Adam Lanza’s date-of-death as Dec. 13, 2012, one day before he killed 27 people, then himself. (See “ still has Adam Lanza’s date-of-death as a day before the Sandy Hook massacre”)
It had taken Lanza only 5 minutes to shoot and kill 26 people.
Or so we were told.
Strangely, individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome like Adam Lanza typically exhibit poor motor skills and clumsiness. Research says that between 50% to 90% of children and adults with Asperger’s have problems with motor coordination (Ehlers and Gillberg 1993; Ghaziuddin et al. 1994; Gillberg 1989; Szatmari et al. 1990; Tantam 1991). For that reason, motor clumsiness is included as one of the diagnostic criteria for Asperger’s. (Source)
But we are to believe that Lanza had the superior motor skills that enabled him to shoot to death 26 people — in a hallway and in two separate classrooms — in just 5 minutes.
In the two years since, this blog Fellowship of the Minds and countless other citizen bloggers and YouTube videos have meticulously probed and investigated just about every aspect of Sandy Hook. Our conclusion, separately arrived at, is that the Sandy Hook shooting massacre is, in the words of former state trooper Wolfgang Halbig, “a contrived event.” Or as FOTM’s Mike aptly put it, Sandy Hook was “a hoax, a con job, a theatrical production, complete with stars, supporting characters, and extras.”
See “Remarkable resemblance of Sandy Hook victims and professional crisis actors,” “Sandy Hook dad goes from laughing to grieving in blink of an eye,” and “Professional crisis actors simulate mass casualty events”.
This post is about another oddity of the Sandy Hook hoax — the lack of empirical evidence of children being evacuated from SHES that fateful morning, despite the Connecticut State Police (CSP) Sandy Hook Report‘s insistence that they were being evacuated.
You can find the CSP Sandy Hook Report here or
We’ve been shown only ONE photo image (below) of purported SHES students being evacuated from the school that morning, led by two Connecticut State police officers to the nearby Firehouse.
The now iconic photo was taken by local newspaper Newtown Bee‘s Shannon Hicks, who said she had taken the photo at 10:09 AM on Dec. 14, 2012.
Alas, we have good reasons to question the authenticity of Hicks’ photo. (See Professor Jim Fetzer’s “Sent worldwide, Shannon Hick’s ‘iconic’ Sandy Hook photo was faked“.)
Even if we assume Hicks’ photo to be authentic, only about 12 children are shown in the photo. Where are the other children, estimated by Fetzer to number at least 469, given SHES’s enrollment? The image below shows the evacuation that we should have seen if the media had portrayed it:
Nor did we see images of those HUNDREDS of school children outside or inside the Firehouse, as Redsilverj points out in a video uploaded to YouTube on July 17, 2014:
Remember Shannon Hicks’ iconic photo of children in a single file being escorted out of SHES on the morning of the massacre? Hicks claimed that she had taken the photo at 10:09 AM on Dec. 14, 2012.
Well, there’s a way we can confirm or disconfirm Hicks’ claim.
Police patrol vehicles that responded to the school shooting that morning were equipped with dash cams, and the dash cam videos are time-stamped. Those videos are in the Connecticut state evidence file. Dash cam #2’s video, for example, is labeled 00055705 in the state evidence file and can be viewed on YouTube here.
Let’s take a look at what the videos — from the dash cams of three patrol cars parked in front of SHES that morning — show at and around 10:09 AM, Dec. 14, 2012.
According to the CSP Sandy Hook Report, evacuation began at 9:58 AM. Here’s a screen shot at the 6:33 mark of Redsilverj’s video, showing the three dash cams at 10:00:00 AM, Dec. 14, 2012.
Do you see any children? (Click image below to enlarge)
Here’s a screen shot at the 14:58 mark of Redsilverj’s video, showing dash cams 2 and 3 at 10:08:19 AM, Dec. 14, 2012, below which is the CSP Report saying that at “10:08:19 Children are escorted out of the building from the northeast corner of SHES”.
Do you see any children? (click image below to enlarge)
Here’s a screen shot at the 15:47 mark of Redsilverj’s video, showing dash cams 2 and 3 at 10:09:18 AM and 10:09:14 AM, respectively. Recall that Shannon Hicks’ photo of the 12 children being evacuated was taken at 10:09 AM.
Do you see any children? (click image below to enlarge)
Here’s a screen shot at the 16:08 mark of Redsilverj’s video, showing dash cams 2 and 3 at 10:09:38 AM and 10:09:35 AM, respectively, below which is the CSP Report saying that at “10:09:29 Students are escorted from SHES.”
Do you see any children? (Click image below to enlarge)
Here’s a screen shot at the 17:02 mark of Redsilverj’s video, showing dash cams 1 and 2 at 10:10:33 AM and 10:10:32 AM, respectively, below which is the CSP Report saying that at “10:10:31 CSP Det Van Ness and unidentified DEEP (ENCON) officers are escorting children from the northeast corner of SHES.”
Do you see any children? (Click image below to enlarge)
Redsilverj’s video shows many more instances when the CSP Report clearly stated that children are being escorted from SHES, but no child or children can be seen in the time-stamped dash cam videos. Watch for yourself!
To conclude, the timeline of the Connecticut State Police’s official report on Sandy Hook does not match the time-stamped videos taken from the dash cams of trooper vehicles in SHES’s parking lot on the morning of Dec. 14, 2012. The CSP Report again and again states that children are being escorted out of the school, but the dash cam videos do not show any children being evacuated from SHES.
Why is that?
A simple explanation is that no child/children were evacuated from Sandy Hook Elementary School on the morning of Dec. 14, 2012, because the school had been abandoned long before. (See “Was Sandy Hook Elementary School already abandoned before the massacre?” and “Workers tearing down Sandy Hook school sworn to confidentiality”)
That, of course, also means that no child/children were shot dead on Dec. 14, 2012. (See “No one died in Sandy Hook: Testimony from Social Security Death Master File”)
That, in turn, would explain why Newtown and the State of Connecticut to this day refuse to make public the death certificates of the 26 people allegedly killed at SHES on Dec. 14, 2012 — despite FOIA requests from the AP and in spite of the fact that death certificates, like birth and marriage certificates, are vital public records accessible by the public. We are told the reason is because releasing the death certificates of the 20 supposedly-dead children would hurt their parents’ feelings. But why would releasing the death certificates of Adam and Nancy Lanza hurt the feelings of the parents of the 20 “dead” children? (See “Newtown clerk refuses to issue Sandy Hook victims’ death certificates”)
It doesn’t make sense. And to quote Judge Judy:
“If it doesn’t make sense, it isn’t true.”
I really do know how difficult it is for Americans to imagine, even less to believe, that our government and media (see “CNN deception: Live aerial footage of police running into Sandy Hook was of another school”) can be as conniving and evil as to perpetrate such an enormous hoax. I humbly suggest you do the following:
- Let go of your a priori (your presumed-to-be-true presupposition) that our government does not and cannot lie to us.
- Then examine the evidence calmly and dispassionately, by reading the posts FOTM has published on Sandy Hook. Go to our “Sandy Hook Massacre” page.
- After you’ve examined the empirical evidence (such as this post on the testimony of the dash cam videos), ask yourself whom you believe — the government/media? or what your own intelligence tells you.
See also:
- The purpose of the Sandy Hook hoax: “Project Longevity and the Sandy Hook Massacre”
- Operation Northwoods, a true conspiracy by the CIA and DOD in 1962 to commit acts of terrorism in the U.S. and elsewhere, which was rejected by the Kennedy administration.