Format: PS3, Xbox 360, PC
Release Date: September 18, 2012
Publisher: 2K Games
Developer: Gearbox Software
Price: $59.99
ESRB Rating: M
Three years after the original Borderlands was released, Gearbox has finally released its worthy sequel to one of the best games of 2009. Borderlands 2 aimed to improve on every front of its predecessor, and it achieved every goal it set for itself.

The gameplay is essentially the same, but a bevy of new features and improvements make the experience feel completely different from the previous game. The gameplay is back to focusing on tight gunplay and grabbing tons of loot. There are so many different combinations for each weapon, I think the final tally of gun combinations from Gearbox was right around a gazillion. There are a number of new grenades that can home in your nearest enemy, or when you just want something simple, just use a simple incinerator. The total number of enemy types isn't too shabby either, from one area to the next, you'll find a number of midgets, psychos and bad-asses for you to fill with lead. The convoluted menu system has been completely overhauled for a more streamlined approach. Even though it has been toned down, the menus are still deep and will take a bit of your time away from spraying bullets into midgets. This game was built with co-op in mind, and it still is the best way to explore and complete the game. The new four man truck finally allows all four players to pilot one vehicle, having two people race off in a buggy in the last game was a real pain. The actual driving mechanics haven't really been improved, the driving still feels a bit loose and wonky. Getting into a game has never been easier, and more intuitive. The game will automatically tell you if the game is a good match for your character, depending on where you are in the story. Even if you're not totally synced up with your buddy, the game will instantly sync your partners campaign with yours. Tons of skills have been added, each level will further increase your bad-ass rating giving you more perks for your character.

S&S Rating : 9.5/10 @whatsPlay