Title:Kingdom Rush
Format: iOS
Release Date: Jan 25, 2012
Publisher: Armor Games
Developer: IronHide Game Studio
Price: $2.99
ESRB Rating:E
My iPad has been getting some great use over the past few months with game like Infinity Blade 2 and Grand Theft Auto 3 iOS. I believe that if they could get some more quality games for the portable, it could really be a portable gaming powerhouse. Kingdom Rush is another game that can take it to the next level.
The entire thing looks and sounds fantastic. The detailed and stylish cartoony visuals sets this as another unique title released on the iOS. It can easily be regarded as a top contender for best looking game for the iPad. The voice acting is very good, you don't hear it very often but its very solid when you hear it. Every time you upgrade your tower, you will hear a priceless one-liner. The humor is very reminiscent to the PSN classic Fat Princess. There really isn't much of a story to the game, but I guess its ok.
Core GamePlay:
Kingdom Rush is one of the best tower defense I have played yet. I'm not the biggest fan of the genre but I have enjoyed games like Pixel Junk Monsters and other random online Tower Defense games I've found browsing the interwebs. Each stage is designed beautifully with great ambition and solid pacing. The game never feels cheap in any way, if you fail a level, you will know exactly how to tackle the stage next time around. There are 12 stages which may seem short, but it still feels very satisfying finishing the game.
Final Thoughts:
Kingdom Rush is awesome game pure and simple, and there should be more games out their of this high of quality. Anyone remotely interested in either tower defense or strategy should definitely pick this up. Plus, its only $2.99, which is a steal for any fan of the series.
Final Score = 9.5/10
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