Title: Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage
Platform: PC
Release: 5/27/2012
Publisher: Pandora Studio d.o.o
Developer: Pandora Studio d.o.o
Price: € 23.99
Gas Guzzlers: Combat carnage is a fast paced, racing game with lots of different weapons and powerups. Can this game with it's beautiful graphics, really live up to it's price tag or have the developers set the price too high?Gameplay and Graphics
Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage (GG) is a rather beautiful racing game and, it is developed by Pandora Studio d.o.o. GG is a typical circuit racing game with different game modes. Throughout the circuit you can find powerops and bonus money, you can also equip your car with a weapon to kill the others. This game is in a lot of ways very similar, to games like Mario Kart, Crash Team racing etc.There's three different game modes:Classic race: This game mode is as the title says, a classic race on a circuit.
Weapon Race: Here you equip your car with a weapon, that can be unlocked and bought by winning races. Knockout Race: Here you also equip your car, with a weapon but instead of a circuit race you have to knock out your opponents. The steering in GG, feels like it would've been better on the consoles it's a bit stiff. Even though I am a veteran in racing games, I often lost control of the car due to the stiff driving mechanics. From a graphical point of view, GG is actually a very beautiful game. There are some issues with the graphics though, I have a PC that can run the newest games on high settings. However I can't run this game on high settings, it takes a big chunk of the CPU so unless you have a good PC don't expect, to run it on highest settings.
Thoughts and verdict on game
GG is an entertaining game, and I was really surprised at it's beauty. However I just can't ignore the three big issues with this game. First of all the steering of the car was so frustrating, because the steering was so stiff. The other big issue with the game, is the CPU usage it is so high. The third and last issue is the price, 24 Euros is just too much for this game. When you buy an indie game, at that price you would expect to get something special but you don't.All in all though this is a decent and fun game, when you look away from these issues. If Pandora is able to fix the game issues and then, lower the price of the game, they could indeed get a pretty good game.