Ubisoft seems to always have awkward hosts for their shows
but despite all that, there conference was pretty dang good! So here are the games Ubisoft announced:
Just Dance 4 (Oct. 8,
Far Cry 3 (Sep. 4,
I never played Far Cry but played the heck out of Far Cry
2. So after hearing about Far Cry 3 last
year I was super excited and now that I just saw some gameplay I can’t wait!
Splinter Cell
Blacklist (Early 2013)
Avengers: Battle for
Earth (Nov, 2012)
Rayman Legends
(Release TBA)
Watching Rayman and his friends being controlled with the
WiiU was rather impressive. I’m still
not quite sold on the WiiU but if games keep being made like Rayman Legends on
the WiiU, who do I give my money to?
This game looks really fun, seriously!
Another game for the WiiU by Ubisoft. Though no gameplay was shown for ZombieU the
trailer was disturbing, in a good way.
From what I can gather this new zombie game looks to be of the survival
horror genre. I know most people are
sick of zombies but maybe ZombieU will rekindle our love for the brain eating
walking dead.
Assassins Creed 3
(Oct. 30, 2012)
This was one of Ubisofts big hitters. Finally, were moving into a different
time in history bringing in a new protagonist by the name of Connor (it was fun Ezio, but it’s time to move on now,
sorry). During the conference Ubisoft showed Connor in action doing side missions
like hunting for food; we also got to see Connor in a main mission sequence. Although Connor appears to be assisting the
Patriots his primary mission is still to hunt down the Templars.
Shootmania (2012)
Watchdogs (Release
I love new IP’s in video games and Watchdogs looks like it
is not going to disappoint. This new
game from Ubisoft seems to be about a group of digital revolutionists one of
which you get to control. In the world
of Watchdogs private businesses control the countries network and gather information
about everyone and everything. The protagonists
appear to be “fighting the man” and trying to return control of the country back to its people. Keep your eyes on this one, I
know I will!