Destinations Magazine

Sambo (Bethesda) Cemetery in Brownsburg, Indiana

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker

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Sambo Cemetery: Brownsburg, Indiana

Sambo Cemetery: Brownsburg, Indiana

little Indiana has walked a lot of Indiana cemeteries but few have had the feel of Sambo (Bethesda) Cemetery in Brownsburg, Indiana.

The sign to Sambo Cemetery states that it has been a part of the Hendricks County landscape since 1833.

Sambo (Bethesda Cemetery) in Brownsburg, Indiana

This Indiana cemetery is obviously very old and honestly? It creeped me out!

I walked this one alone. The boys had BOTH fallen asleep in the car  and no way was I going to ruin that. So–hubs sat with them while I trekked out into the misty gray day.

A squirrel kept me company, yelling at me as he scampered up into a tree as I got too close for his comfort.

Indiana Cemetery

Sambo (Bethesda) Cemetery: Brownsburg, Indiana

Sambo (Bethesda) Cemetery: Brownsburg, Indiana

The headstones are very old. I can tell that many have been restored since they now sit on a concrete block. All the signs point to a pleasant cemetery in a serene setting.

The grass is mowed, the fence is nice, and there are some rather new homes sitting pretty close. Sure, there are a few headstones lying on the ground but that’s to be expected in such an old, old cemetery!

So really, it’s ridiculous that I felt so jumpy. But I will tell you this: I was jumpy! Instead of taking my time browsing the stones and reading the dates, I made the rounds in record time. I may be prone to exaggeration, but in this case? I almost ran to the car and locked the door.

I don’t know. Maybe it was the rain. Maybe it was the result of a long Indiana town trip. But I felt very unwelcome! Yes, this is the stuff of Halloween–and it wasn’t even Halloween!

Go There

Sambo (Bethesda) Cemetery: Brownsburg, Indiana

Sambo (Bethesda) Cemetery: Brownsburg, Indiana

Are you ready and raring to walk around this one? Check out the Sambo (Bethesda) Cemetery that lies along the highway and let me know what you thought.

Maybe, just maybe, you should wait for a nice sunny day this time, though!

Find Sambo (Bethesda) Cemetery images and otherpictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.

Just don’t forget to tell ‘em that  little Indiana sent you!

Sambo Cemetery in Danville, Indiana
Southeast corner of SR 267 & Maloney Road
N39°53.296’ W86°23.485’

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