Food & Drink Magazine

Samai Plantain Chips - Pacific Sea Salt Review

By Grocerygems @grocerygems
Samai Plantain Chips - Pacific Sea Salt Review
I found these Plantain Chips by Samai in my local Tesco's World Food section and I was intrigued to find that they are from Ecuador. Not a country I imagined would be so easy to find for my Around The World challenge. There were three flavours other flavours on the shelf; Jungle Chilli, Garlic, and Naturally Sweet.
Samai Plantain Chips - Pacific Sea Salt Review
The packaging is very bright and eye catching, it really stood out on the shelf. There is lots of information on the packet about how this brand supports Ecuadorian rainforest communities. They also contain all natural ingredients with no dodgy hydrogenated fats, making this an all round gem of a product.
Samai Plantain Chips - Pacific Sea Salt Review
I've never tried plantain before but I do know that it's a "cooking banana". It's used in lots of savoury dishes around the world and is packed full of even more nutrients than it's close relative, the banana.
Samai Plantain Chips - Pacific Sea Salt Review
The plantain chips look just like large fried discs of banana! They do have a slightly sweet aftertaste, but as these chips are salt flavoured, they taste surprisingly similar to potato crisps. The texture is not as crispy as a potato chip, these plantain chips are thicker and more substantial. They're very crunchy but quite soft to chew at the same time. I loved the salty seasoning, it's just perfect. I usually don't like plainly salted crisps, but the pacific sea salt used here is absolutely delicious and works wonderfully with the plantain. I'm so glad I discovered these crisps and it's definitely a brand I'll be buying again. I can't wait to try the other flavours in this range, especially the Naturally Sweet!
Grocery Gems Verdict: Samai Plantain Chips
RATING: 8.5 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Absolutely, very delicious and a great snack.

Purchased: Tesco (World Foods section) or online.
Price: 0.79p

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