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Sacred Spaces

By Cleskowitz @cleskowitz

Sacred Spaces
I  spent a lot of time today thinking about love and loss and what I was going to blog about.  There is an ebb and a flow to a blog, like everything else.  We write blog posts to share and inspire.  They're a part of us; our voice, our point of view, and sometimes our very mood inspires a post.  I couldn't imagine talking about trends or color or an event.  I was on Pinterest  for a good part of the day, and I want to talk about sacred spaces (physical or emotional).  Many of these photos are on boards I have pinned.  Where do you go when you need to recharge or be lifted up?

Sacred Spaces

The Maroon Bells in Colo. is a big one for me

Is it in the mountains?  Does it have a western feel?
Sacred Spaces

Sacred Spaces

Sacred Spaces

Does it have an ethnic flair?
Sacred Spaces

Sacred Spaces

Is it busy?...
Sacred Spaces

Sacred Spaces

or serene?
Sacred Spaces

Sacred Spaces

Sacred Spaces

Is it at the beach?
Sacred Spaces

Sacred Spaces

Sacred Spaces

Sacred Spaces

By a lake, perhaps?
Sacred Spaces

 Or just a little nook?
Sacred Spaces

maybe a hot bath does the trick
Sacred Spaces

Is it in your bed or are you just in your head?
Sacred Spaces

  "Where's your happy place?"

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