From Bridge Brewing Company in North Vancouver comes their "Rye & Ginger Amber Ale" a tap exclusive with Tap & Barrel. The beer pours a deep amber red colour with a tan head. The aroma consists of rye malts and rye spice, bready and caramel malts, ginger, candied ginger and leafy, grassy hops. The flavour is of rye malts, rye spice, bready and caramel malts, ginger, candied ginger, earth, fruity notes and grassy hops. The alcohol content comes in at 4.6% with an IBU of 21. This is a nice mix of flavours and is really refreshing. If you find yourself near a Tap & Barrel or the brewery make sure to check this one out.
Commercial Description: With smooth spice from rye malt and the ginger, this amber ale is lightly hopped and very refreshing. Pouring a pale amber, this beer is a take on the classic rye and ginger without the ginger kick.