Shaunta and I have made it to Anaheim!! Our hotel’s Internet won’t be working until tomorrow (thanks Ramada!) so I am currently doing this blog post from my iPhone!
So we woke up this morning in Bishop at a hotel that did have Internet (yay, El Rancho!) and started the day with a fine breakfast at Jack’s Waffle House. It was so good Shaunta ordered two dishes! (ETA: I had to send the first one back for undercooked eggs! -S.)
Next we drove five hours to Anaheim. It was a gorgeous scenic route through the desert lands of California before we finally merged with civilization!
Once we got settled at our hotel, we headed over to the Marriott to register for the RWA conference! We got bags full of books and name tags with cute little ribbons. My ribbon says first timer, Shaunta’s says SOLD!
Finally we headed to Irvine to see The Dark Knight Rises in IMAX, and, in a word, it was spectacular!! Our dual review is to come.
That’s it for today! We’ll be back tomorrow with an update about YA Day and Literacy Signing at RWA!