Books Magazine

RWA 2012 Adventure – Day Five

By Storycarnivores @storycarnivores

Today was so crazy, we didn’t get a chance to take many pictures. So, I’ll have to paint a really vivid picture for you with words.

We started with  a super funny and informative workshop given by Simone Elkeles. Officially, I would like to be her when I grow up. She showed the trailers for her Perfect Chemistry series. So. Freaking. Awesome. Here’s the first:

And then we got some more free books. Free books are our favorite kind of books. Wait until you see our haul on Sunday!

Then it was time! We headed to the pitch room, and Brian took a deep breath. And then he went for it. He pitched a few editors his new book. Then he went to the luncheon with keynote speaker Robyn Carr (who was hilarious), and I had lunch with my agent. Getting to meet her in person, sit down with her, laugh with her–made this whole selling a book thing feel so much more real! Excited is my new normal. It’s now ratched up a few notches. SO. EXCITED!

My agency set up an informal meet and greet after lunch, and Brian was able to pitch an agent there. It went over so well, and gave him a huge boost of confidence. After that, he was a book pitching fool. World Series! He came away from the day with a neat little stack of agent and editor cards. Here’s a picture of the agent / editor pitch room!

RWA 2012 Adventure – Day Five

I had dinner with Emily McKay, who has a book coming out this winter. We share an agency, and an editor, and it was so good to meet her and get to spend some time with her.

And then: my publisher’s party. I’ve been to the RWA National Conference three other times. The other three, I was where Brian is: pitching where ever I could get someone to sit still and listen to me. It was so surreal this time to know I didn’t need to do that. At the RWA National Conference, parties rule. The agencies have them. The publishers have them. My publisher’s party was . . . I don’t think I have the words.

How about these: Nora Roberts was there. Because we share a publisher.

I got to hang out with some amazing writers. My agency. I got to meet people from my publishing company who had read my book. I got to hear them tell me they loved it.

And Brian got to see his friend from L.A.!

RWA 2012 Adventure – Day Five

All in all it was a very good day!

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