The “real” Launch Party for RUN TO GROUND will be at Mystery Ink in Huntington Beach on Saturday, August 4th, 2-4 p.m. Come by and say hello.

The Virtual Launch Party is at Shindig on August 7th, 6-7 p.m. PDT, 9-10 p.m. EDT. The Shindig platform is new and exciting so this is as much a trial run as it is a party. Bring your own virtual wine.
I think Shindig might be of interest to any author interested doing their own virtual book events, launch party, book club, etc. It also seems to be perfect for teaching classes and presenting webinars. Drop by the event and see how it works.
It’s very easy to join the virtual event. Go HERE to RSVP and you will receive a reminder before the show. Then go to the same link and join the video/audio discussion on the 7th. If you have a camera on your computer you can “come up on stage” and ask questions and if not you can type in your questions.
Visit Shindig to see how this technology works, and to join the other discussions they have ongoing.
Want to pre-order RUN TO GROUND? Try Mystery Ink or Mysterious Galaxy, my favorite indies in SoCal, or if you must from Amazon or B&N.