Diaries Magazine


By Latoya @latoyallawrence


Wednesday, October 04, 2006 at 11:27 PM EDT

People have been telling lies since the beginning of time so they are definitely not going to stop now. No doubt, a lot of people are very nosy and love gossip. They gossip over anything, usually about a lot of silly shit. Some will say that everybody gossips. There is a big difference between having a discussion and straight out gossiping.

Most people who like to sit around waiting to hear and spread vicious rumors are pathetic, miserable people who don’t have a life of their own. They are full of envies and petty jealousies over the people that they talk about. As soon as gossip is spread about them though they can’t handle it and most of the time it is because what’s spread about them is the truth so they get mad and spread lies on others who are above them.

I have never spread rumors. I spread the truth.

And i, just like many others, have been the victim of quite a few ridiculous rumors. I’ve heard people say that they would go home and cry over lies that was said about them. I have never shed a tear over lies people told on me. Some of them may have pissed me off very much because i knew what they were trying to do but their talk didn’t affect me because i knew what was circulating was nowhere near the truth.

I know that it does hurt a lot of good people when others hear negative things that are false regarding them then they listen to it and may act accordingly to it. Treating them unfairly, and some of them got the nerve because they are the ones who actually have the dirt on them and the ones they criticize are the innocent ones.

The way i look at the matter is if you know who you are and you know what you did and did not do you shouldn’t give a fuck. People are going to talk about you anyway. Whether you do good or bad. Fuck them!

I scoff and laugh at people who spread rumors about me. I’m better than all of them. I can go and walk around anywhere holding my head up as high up in the sky as i want to because i haven’t done a damn thing! And if i had i’d still be strong enough to pick up and keep moving because i don’t do things that i’d be ashamed of.

People have all type of reasons why they make up lies and spread rumors. Most of the time it is done out of jealousy, hatred, ignorance, and sickness.

One time i hung out with this older woman who came out of jail a long time ago. Her name was Venus. The next thing that i knew people were assuming that because i was a good person and that she was a bad person that i was trying to help her get on her feet or something to that nature. The woman herself even went around lying, telling people that i was trying to save her. Save her from what? I don’t know what they were talking about. It was all news to me. That was a petty lie, unless she was really that dumb enough to perceive that through her own misunderstanding.

Then, later on, i was suppose to had went with her boyfriend (had a relationship with him). And then i became a ho’. And so on, an so on.

See, they are all crazy! And they are suppose to be grown folks. That’s why the dummy and her nigger both have been looking like skeletons for a while now and are rapidly dying from Aids.

You know, the truth always comes out no matter how long it may take. I don’t have no Aids and never had any other diseases for that matter.

That says a whole lot because they hung themselves with their own ropes.

People need to think about what they lie about before they do it. Their shit didn’t add up and now their being eaten up. I knew that they had Aids a long time ago and was waiting until the day for it to really show. I look at Venus and Omar and gloat like crazy. That is what they get for being so jealous of me, a death sentence.

It’s just sad when people’s lives get ruined over shit that they know is not true.

Since most of the time lies spread faster than the truth it gets to them how those who fall for the lies believe in it, and it bothers them how people think of them. I can’t get into any of that shit because it is a waste of energy. It’s not real so why pay any attention to it.

The way i keep looking at it is that they are living in a land of make-believe and i am in reality and i got to keep moving on because i’m not a sick person.

Some probably are making up rumors about why i write blogs. Is that going to discourage me from blogging? No way! I write because i am a natural born writer. I was told that the gift i have would be used to help people even though i did not set out to do so. I just followed the calling. It’s a talent. I’m not trying and never have tried to prove anything to anyone.

I don’t beg people to read my blogs. If nobody likes what i have to say they don’t have to visit and read my writings. I didn’t even tell people that i had blogs they found out on their own. I am expressing myself and i’m going to keep doing it.

And this may sound crazy but if i never got any visitors i’d still post.That is one of the major reasons i don’t and will continue not to be bothered with too many people because they are so stupid and ignorant, jealous, and inferior and not worth my time and energy.

I’m much, much happier being by myself, doing what i like.

Even when i am on my job i keep mostly to myself. So everybody can go on an keep talking while i’ll still be way ahead because i’ve been gone!


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