Politics Magazine

Rubio Opposes Independent Investigation of Benghazi

Posted on the 29 November 2012 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

Are they all corrupt and rotten?

The GOP’s shining prince, Marco Rubio of Florida, who was elected to the U.S. Senate only two years ago, says he opposes an independent investigation into the terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, which took the lives of four Americans, including that of Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Rubio opposes independent investigation of Benghazi

Javier Manjarres reports for Florida’s The Shark Tank, Nov. 26, 2012, that Rubio was the headliner at a rally for Israel held at a South Florida Jewish Community School last weekend, where he reiterated his support for America’s closest ally in the Middle East and took a few questions from the media as he exited the event.

Rubio expressed his deep concerns about the lack of security measures that the U.S. government was responsible for at its consulate in Benghazi, Libya which led to the murder of four Americans. He said:

“My number one concern about the Benghazi situation is that knowing it was a very dangerous place that was growing even more dangerous, the United States did not supply sufficient security for that consulate in Benghazi, and as a result, four brave Americans lost their lives.  We need to make sure how that happened, so that it never happens again.”

When asked whether an independent investigation was warranted to get to the bottom of what really happened both in the run up to the attack on the consulate and its aftermath, Rubio maintained that an independent investigation was not necessary.

Rubio, who sits on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and is privy to intelligence briefings, insisted that Congress was more than capable of conducting an investigation into the matter:

“I don’t think it has to be independent (investigation) the bottom line is that, the Congress is fully capable, I am on the intelligence committee, I am on the Foreign Relations committee in the Senate, I think that those committees are fully capable of investigating why there was not sufficient security provided to the personnel in Benghazi, and how that could’ve been prevented.”

One thing you’ve got to admit is that Rubio sure is a fast learner. In two years, he has already learned to become a consummate member of the politics-as-usual old boys’ network.

H/t FOTM’s Tina.


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