Food & Drink Magazine

Rosemary Infused Pears Lemonade, Gardening and A Food Styling Interview by The Huffington Post

By Aldy M. @AlDenteGourmet
Rosemary Infused Pears Lemonade, Gardening and A Food Styling Interview by The Huffington Post
The days are getting less and less cold in here. Slowly the flowers and trees are starting to bloom again. And it's beginning to look like Spring. Indeed, the wonderful season for spring will start next month here in the "land of the long white cloud". And the urge to start gardening is becoming more irresistible every day! The air smells like floral and fruity of a new season approaching, and they invite me to grab my rake and shovel and go to work in my green batch. Even if this mean working in the garden only for a little while.
I wish I could be home {soon it will be spring there too}- Doing or better said redoing the garden with my mother... arranging pots, buying new ones, picking flowers in season, preparing the soil and laughing about old memories. {Yes, one is never too old to feel like a child inside} And this is the first thing I would do with my mother when I travel back to my little Provence. Gardening!
There are some things in life that truly deserve to be shared with the people that inspires you everyday.  

Rosemary Infused Pears Lemonade, Gardening and A Food Styling Interview by The Huffington Post
Just days ago and after having a few pretty busy and interesting weeks, I started my gardening :) Our porch was needing an upgrade after endless days of rain and wind.So I arranged pots, I planted new microgreens veggies and I  also bought some colorful little flowers! The weather turned out absolutely perfect so I tried to enjoyed it to the fullest.These changes and the beautiful flowers instantly made our little porch cheerful and bright again.
I'm also planning to sow for some tomatoes {like last time} and veggies too in a couple of weeks.
We also have a small lemon tree ...did I tell you about it? Well, we do and the lemons are falling down!This lemon tree is small, about five foot tall but very vigorous and it give plenty of lemons. So with the dirt on my gardening pants I picked up some nice and juice lemons, and immediately I started to make some lemonade! Oh yes, life can be sweet and sour at the same time :)
A lemonade with lemons,pears infused with rosemary. I usually make this same lemonade infused with mint instead of the rosemary but I wanted to try a new flavor. So I used some of the rosemary that I bought at the farmer's market last Saturday and I began to squeeze the juicy lemons! The rosemary gives this lemonade a very distinct taste without making it too strong, and the sweetness of the pears makes it just as it should be...simply delightful.
Rosemary Infused Pears Lemonade, Gardening and A Food Styling Interview by The Huffington Post Rosemary Infused Pears Lemonade, Gardening and A Food Styling Interview by The Huffington Post Rosemary Infused Pears Lemonade, Gardening and A Food Styling Interview by The Huffington Post
I couldn't wait to drag a chair on the porch, grab a glass of fresh lemonade and just sit there enjoying my garden. I wish everyday would be like this! Quit, serene, full of sunshine and relaxation.
Now the busy week has begun once again. And with it the routine of everyday life. Seems that we are all in the same boat...aren't we? But hopefully soon enough I will be having a bit more time to spend in here. And share some more pictures and stories with all of you.There will be many more photos and projects to follow, I'm sure! And for those of you participating in the Oh Happy Plates Project, I will be sharing some inspirational tomato shoots {on our pinterest board} from awesome photographers .So stay tuned! Almost two weeks to star sharing our tomato pictures! Aaaaa, I want to see some pictures :)
In case you didn't know, I've been interviewed by the HuffingtonPost last week, with a series of questions about ''How to Plate Food Like a Food Stylist''-- And you can see it here.
Now, here is my Rosemary- Infused Pears Lemonade recipe, I hope you're enjoying your week!
Rosemary Infused Pears Lemonade, Gardening and A Food Styling Interview by The Huffington Post    Rosemary Infused lemonade
Rosemary- Infused Pears Lemonade Recipe makes 1 Lt
2 1/2 C. Water 2/3 C. Caster sugar 1 C. Fresh Lemon Juice 2 C. Diced Pears  2 Tbsp. fresh Rosemary or 1Tbsp. if you're using dry rosemary. Ice {about 12 cubes} 1C. Cold Water
Preparation:  In a saucepan, add the 2 1/2 C. water, sugar and rosemary and bring to a boil over high heat.Then turn off, stir, cover and allow to steep for about 20-25 minutes. When ready, strain out the rosemary leaves. In a blender add lemon juice, infused water, pears and ice cubes. Puree everything until smooth. Add 1 C. of cold water and serve. Garnish with rosemary leaves and lemon wedges.

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