Fashion Magazine

Romantic Couple

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
I was thinking the other day and concluded that we are not a very romantic couple. Though I haven't ever discussed it with Dr. A. ...  at least I don't think we are. But then I started wondering what is romance after all? The idea is pretty much what the movies and greeting card companies has fed us over the years. No?
We, Dr. A and myself, are not big on public display of affection. We don't say sweet nothings to each other (I think that's just me). We don't give cards to each other on Anniversary or Birthdays. We don't even buy each other gifts.  
But … 
We do fix each other's breakfast and lunch because we know the other one won't do it for him/herself. We go to bed at the same time even if one of us is not sleepy. We workout together (whenever time permits). We do grocery together. We always try and take interest in each other's hobbies. We have more than one date night per week (lately). Well, basically we are always together (heheh). I think this is romance for me ...having someone to depend on and an equal-life-partner. 
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