Diet & Weight Magazine

Rolo & Dark Chocolate Cookies ( Eggless)

By Tejal Hewitt @Tejal_x
Rolo & Dark Chocolate Cookies ( Eggless)

Eggless Cookies with chocolate and chewy caramel are probably my best eggless cookie base. Both soft and chewy with a little cookie crunch.

Rolo & Dark Chocolate Cookies ( Eggless)

Rolo's are such a perfect caramel chocolate combination to add to a cookie base, however when baking they do tend to make it a little more sticky to remove from a baking tray if you leave them to cool for too long.

Rolo & Dark Chocolate Cookies ( Eggless)

I feel I've now mastered the eggless cookie recipe, they are almost undetectable that they are egg free.

Rolo & Dark Chocolate Cookies ( Eggless)

I think my next mission is to master a vegan cookie recipe!

Rolo & Dark Chocolate Cookies ( Eggless)

230g Margarine
350g Light Brown Sugar
1/2 Cup of Milk
1 Tsp Vinegar
1 Tsp Vanilla
2 1/2 Tsp Baking Soda
1/2 Tsp Salt
400g Plain Flour
100g Chopped Dark Chocolate
125g Chopped Rolos

Rolo & Dark Chocolate Cookies ( Eggless)

Add milk and vinegar to bowl and set aside for a few minutes, this will create buttermilk.

Rolo & Dark Chocolate Cookies ( Eggless)

Add margarine and light brown sugar to a mixing bowl and beat together until light and fluffy.

Rolo & Dark Chocolate Cookies ( Eggless)

Add the buttermilk ( milk and vinegar) and vanilla to the mixing bowl and beat together.

Rolo & Dark Chocolate Cookies ( Eggless)

Add flour, baking soda and salt to the mixing bowl and mix for a further minute.

Rolo & Dark Chocolate Cookies ( Eggless)

Chopped the Rolos into quarters into the mixing bowl, then add the roughly chopped dark chocolate into the mixing bowl too.

Rolo & Dark Chocolate Cookies ( Eggless)

Mix well until all the chocolate is mixed in.

Rolo & Dark Chocolate Cookies ( Eggless)

On top a greased baking tray, scoop cookie dough evenly spaced apart, allow room for the dough to spread.

Rolo & Dark Chocolate Cookies ( Eggless)

Bake in the oven at 170c for 11 minutes, allow to cool for only a minute or two, and move onto a cooling rack to allow the cookies to fully cool down.

Rolo & Dark Chocolate Cookies ( Eggless)

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