Hair & Beauty Magazine

Rock Your Life with #Airtel4G!!

By Jhilmil D Saha @jhilmildsaha
Hello all!! Let me tell you a secret guys- I spend half of my time surfing the internet. Don't be mistaken that I spend all my day on Facebook or YouTube but I study online as well. I do go to school and have tuitions but I do search topics and terms related to my syllabus which was a little hard on the internet and that way my study table lightens. Another thing I love to do is watch movies online or download full movies. But, there's always a but in everything. Sometimes, my Wifi becomes so slow and I have to spend countless days without internet due to this constant slow connection. Can you imagine how painful is that for me?
Rock Your Life with #Airtel4G!!
But, Airtel brings to you the best solution for this problem ever- #Airtel 4G. If you are craving for crazy speed as I am then Airtel 4G is for you . Yes, you got it right - Airtel 4G. Now, I don't have to spend any more days without the internet or have to wait forever to download a full movie. Its all the past. Airtel 4G works like magic. Gone will be the days of cursing your 2G or 3G network for not connecting in time. Airtel 4G is the first crazy fastest network ever. And what's more? Wait, let me tell you all what's more:
1) Airtel 4G is the first telecom operator to roll out 4G services: Isn’t that incredible? The fastest network the country has to offer.
 2)Nationwide rollout across 296 cities: No matter where you go, you can access your net and get information in seconds with the fast speed.
3) 4G available at 3G prices: And how awesome it is, you pay the same price and get much faster services
 4)Getting a 4G SIM is just a tweet away – Text this #GetAirtel4G and get your 4GSIM. How better can it get?
 5)Free home delivery of 4G SIM: You get your 4G SIM delivered to your doorstep absolutely free.
 I can’t wait to get my hand on the 4G SIM and make my life smoother and faster. I am sure it will be a relief from my struggling periods, while surfing the net.

Need I say more? Airtel also threw the 4G challenge as shown in the advertisement that if anyone can find faster network than Airtel 4G, that person will get lifetime mobile bills for free. Airtel will pay the bill for lifetime. Well, I didn't find any faster network than this and suggest you guys try or get this 4G network at 3G price. Wow, now that is something awesome right? You can even get free home delivery by just tweeting #GetAirtel4G. I am so excited to try this out!! What about you? No scope for thinking just get it!! Get it!!!!!
 By Airene
Rock Your Life with #Airtel4G!!

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