Food & Drink Magazine

~roasted Poblano Tomato Basil Soup~

By Ally @allykitchen

Making your own tomato soup is simple, plus if you make a lot of it, and freeze, then you have a great base for so many other dishes~~from pastas to soups to stews~~the possibilities are endless!

If you’ve never ‘roasted’ peppers, either on an open gas stove blaze, on your outdoor grill or in the oven on a high temperature and some broiling on the tail end, then you’re missing out on another easy and versatile way to take your dishes to the next level of taste. Click here for the how to!  

~roasted poblano tomato basil soup~

Serves: 6
What you need:
2-3 cups chicken broth (divided)
1 cup packed fresh basil leaves
1 cup loosely packed fresh Italian parsley leaves
5 Tbl olive oil (divided)
3/4 cup onions, chopped
2 large roasted poblanos, peeled, deseeded and chopped into medium size pieces (Note: You can roast the poblanos in the oven or on a grill~~if you can find them pre-roasted, use about 1 cup)
4-5 cups tomatoes, chopped (I used heirloom tomatoes in season.)
1/4 cup concentrated tomato paste
2 tsp. dried oregano
2 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda
~roasted poblano tomato basil soup~

What you do:

Put in a food processor one cup of chicken broth, basil leaves, parsley and 2 tablespoons of olive oil and blend well into a consistent mixture. Leave this mixture in the food processor.

In a heavy pot over medium high heat put the remaining olive oil. Add the poblanos and tomatoes and saute about 20 minutes mashing up the tomatoes. Add the tomato paste, oregano salt and one cup of chicken broth and blend well. Reduce heat to medium low, add the baking soda, blend and cook about 20-30 minutes stirring occasionally.

Put the tomatoes/poblanos in the food processor with the herbs. Pulse and blend until a creamy thick mixture forms. Add more chicken broth if needed (consistency of this soup can be adjusted with more or less broth). Return this mixture to the pot and cook on medium low about 30 minutes.

(Note: There probably will be small pieces of tomato skin~~strain the soup to remove them~~I have no problem with this.)

~roasted poblano tomato basil soup~



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