Yesterday I shared the Before Photos of the Family Room, which you can check out Here.
Today we are on to the KITCHEN.
Here are the Before Pics I took of the kitchen space...

The tile, counters, back splash, and upper left cabinets above sink are coming out.

And Finally the tile floor is gone to make way for the new flooring throughout the family room and kitchen.


Thanks for Checking out the River Drive Project!
Check in tomorrow for a Design Board Package that I created for the Living Room at my client Jen's House and don't miss this Friday for the chance to enter a really great Giveaway! Giveaway Hint: It will warm your toes?

If you are in the Hampton Roads and Richmond area of Va and would like a consultation to begin transforming a room or rooms in your home, I'd love to chat with you. You can reach me at If you are located outside of the Hampton Roads and Richmond area and would like to have a Design Package created for a room in your home please contact me at