Rich Chocolate Chiffon
(recipe adapted & modify slightly from Nasi Lemak Lover)
3 egg yolks
40g corn oil
60g milk
30g chocolate chips + 30g cinnamon chips
15g cocoa powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
35g plain flour
3 egg whites
50g sugar
1. Melt chocolate & cinnamon chips in a microwave. Add in milk & combine well, set aside.
2. Whisk egg yolk & oil, stir well.
3. Add in melted chocolate mixture & stir well.
4. Add in flour, baking soda & cocoa powder. Mix well.
5. Beat egg white till foamy, gradually add in sugar & beat till soft peak.
6. Use a hand whisk, fold 1/3 egg white into egg yolk batter, stir well.
7. Fold in the balance egg white, combine well.
8. Pour batter into the prepared cupcake liners. Bake in a pre-heated oven @ 160C for 20mins.