And since I work in Central London I took the opportunity to visit this ongoing show after work today to see the exhibits as well as check out what plants are on offer. I'll let the photos do most of the talking from here on...

Dahlias galore! This display is the first one to greet you the moment you step inside Lawrence Hall

Aeschynanthus 'Hot Flash'

Streptocarpus 'Lyndee'

Streptocarpus 'Harlequin Lace'

Coleus can provide late season color to the garden, right until the first frosts.

Some autumn produce...

Who says Autumn isn't colourful

Colourful Heucheras and Heucherellas! Evergreen and hardy, they are useful for adding color to a garden even in winter

This one especially caught my eye - Heucherella 'Solar Power'

Nerine sarniensis 'Red Pimpernel'

Nerine bowdenii 'Ostara'

Buddleja glomerata 'Silver Service'

Like or loathe? Nandina domestica 'Ohime'

Ohh Freaky!! not..

Impatiens bicaudata

Oh and more Dahlias. Such cheerful blooms!

Dahlia 'Honka', Strange flower and an ever stranger name!

What would autumn be without grasses?

Great color on this one! Coprosma 'Pacific Sunset'

Tillandsia display (with a well deserved gold medal too!)

Tillandsia tectorum

Tough Alpines, lovely troughs! Can pick one or two ideas from here...


Very nice!!

Some autumn and winter flowering bulbs on display...


And speaking of shades of autumn...

Ginkgo biloba bonsai

And to cap it off...

More Dahlias!
It's nice to see so many cheerful blooms, lush greenery, and yes, autumn colours on such a typically dreary autumnal London day. And as I left the hall I could almost hear myself saying Roll on Spring 2013!Mark :-)