Entertainment Magazine

REWIND: Oasis - 'Stay Young'

Posted on the 26 July 2014 by Rw/ff @rwffmusic
REWIND: Oasis - 'Stay Young'Even though this was only the B-side of the band's hugely anticipated 'D'You Know What I Mean?' single, some radio stations wary of the A-side's indulgent length and alleged "weirdness" decided that 'Stay Young' would also make it onto their A-list as an alternative for those who found the lead song a bit too much. Can anyone imagine a B SIDE being playlisted on (what was then) the country's most popular station? That is how big Oasis were at the time. It's a bright and upbeat track that always sounds great in summer weather like this, and any other kind of weather in fact. It's also better than a lot of the tracks on 'Be Here Now', an album which I write about extensively a couple of years ago in this article HERE. Noel Gallagher has said that he wrote 'Stay Young' at the time when the word "Britpop" was inescapable, perhaps why it sounds a bit like an emotional final hurrah of the era. This classic will be included on one of the bonus discs that will make up part of the 'Be Here Now' reissue, due for release later this year.


REWIND: Oasis - 'Stay Young'

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