Back when I lived in San Francisco, Revolution Cafe was one of my favorite spots in the Mission, it’s low key, cozy and although tiny, is full of a good mix of clientele from various backgrounds and continents. Not to mention, if I wanted, I could get pumped up on coffee, drunk on wine or beer, or high on ahem… leafy greens. If I wanted to. Well, today is St. Valentine’s Day and I’m here again, and from the look and smell of things, it hasn’t changed a bit. I arrived in San Francisco today for a short trip to catch up with old friends and roommates before leaving the country for good, and being the nostalgist that I am, I’m glad that things feel the same since the last time I was here. Although it was only 8 months ago when I left, my life has changed already quite a bit, so it’s comforting when some things remain just how you left them. Grey skies, drizzling rain, moustaches, black-rimmed glasses, and, 5 o’clock trips to Revolution Cafe. Oh, and that smell permeating through the air.