Finance Magazine

Revisiting the Past

By Sue15cat
Revisiting the Past   I've been away with Lovely Hubby down South for a whole three days, I guess you wouldn't have noticed .... the Blog was set to publish every day while I was away, the beauty of technology eh!!   We spent a happy couple of days revisiting our old stomping grounds in Oxfordshire and Berkshire.  Eating out at our favorite places getting free coffees with our old loyalty cards and just generally relaxing after what has been a stressful and busy few weeks.   Revisiting the Past   A gorgeous cottage that I have always admired in Thame ......
Revisiting the Past   ... just along the street from the Aga shop where I did the one day course years ago to learn how to cook to the best of my Aga's ability.  Worth every penny.  Fortunately for my purse as it was Sunday the shop was closed.   We had lunch at the branch of Prezzo in the top picture also in Thame and I have finally cured my addiction to 'Penne con Salmone', the new chef just didn't make it as well as I remembered, or maybe he had just changed his recipe slightly, whatever, I wont be hankering after it anymore.  I can do so much better at home now using Jack's recipe for 'Creamy Salmon Pasta with a Chilli Lemon Kick' and yes, it's me she's referring to in her book on the page with this recipe :-)   Calling to the kennels to pick up the doggies (yes they have had a little holiday too), the owner and the kennel manager both accosted me with "it's you isn't it".... err yes I replied "it's me", no they said "you're the couple on the hill just up the road working so hard to transform things", of course I had to admit it was us scrubbing up the Welsh hillside, they were totally impressed with the level of work being undertaken, that we are doing it together and just getting stuck in, and they are looking forward to following our progress as they drive past on a regular basis.    And hopefully with the order for the polytunnel going in today soon there will be even more for folks driving past to watch and marvel at.  Yes, it's back to normal, everyone's home and there's soil to be dug .... now if it would just stop raining I could get on.   Sue xx   

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