Destinations Magazine

Revisiting Casaroro Falls in Valencia

By Roamingcouple

It was in 2011 when we first visited Casaroro falls. Back then we dared to descend the 300 plus steps of plunging stairway leading to the falls without even bringing bottled water. Big mistake! It took its toll on us and we almost didn’t make it back. During that time, the concrete pathways and hanging bridge were still intact  and there was also a viewing deck there for photo ops with Casaroro falls in the backdrop.

In November of 2012, a couple of tourists drowned to their deaths at Casaroro falls. That and the devastation brought about by typhoon Sendong prompted the local government unit to temporarily deny access to the public, because it’s just too risky.

When we got to the entrance, there was nobody there. Supposed to be, a caretaker would let us fill up their guestbook then collect a P10 fee. But they just put a handwritten note there saying “We are closed, no trespassing” instead of the “We burn fats… let’s do the trek” tag line from way back.

The concrete and steel steps going down to the falls were to our surprise still in pristine condition. There were no damages to it. There are 350 steps total, at the end part there is a steel flight of stairs going down to the bottom of the mountain. It’s “see-through” so it can really stimulate one’s acrophobia. It was our second time visiting Casaroro falls so we didn’t get scared of it anymore.

The LGU of Valencia has really made an effort in informing the public that they are entering at their own risk, should they continue to venture to the falls. There were a few sign boards there discouraging visitors from swimming in the waters of Casaroro falls and with good reason.

The Trek Down the 350 Steps

We loved the trek going down because it’s the easiest part, no effort at all. Plus, the exotic flora and fauna in the area really caught our attention. We would pause momentarily to take pictures of them, then push forward.



Ferns along the concrete stairway


The final steel steps

Another Trek to the Falls

 All we can say is prepare to get wet and bruised! Due to the wrath of Typhon Sendong the route going to Casaroro falls is now littered with big boulders of rock that you must clamber over. We slipped several times before reaching the falls!


Quick Food Trip by the Falls

We brought canned goods and junk foods with us for convenience. No need to cook anymore! We enjoyed eating our food while taking in the beauty of Casaroro falls before us. Perfect!


 Casaroro Falls

The 100 ft drop of Casaroro falls hasn’t change a bit. Still glorious and imposing after all these years, even after the Typhoon Sendong incident. We will always love Casaroro falls because it’s one of a couple of falls that are nearest to where we reside in Dumaguete and we are very proud of it!



Casaroro falls (close-up view)

Then and Now

There were differences ranging from minute to incredibly big. The colossal changes there seem to be the giant boulders of rocks that got eroded during the Typhoon Sendong, they are all over the place. Makeshift ladders where put in place in order to aid the visitors making their way to Casaroro falls.

Before: It would only take 10 minutes to get to the falls. Now: You have to conquer the big boulders, that being said, trekking time is around 30-40 minutes depending on your pace.

The Caretaker’s Payag

The nipa hut is now stripped of its walls and ceilings. It’s now bare and lies in ruins, serving as a reminder of what happened there. No repairs were done as of yet.





The Hanging Bridge

We remember vividly how we crossed this bridge and even stopping right in the middle to see the flowing water underneath it. We loved this bridge, actually, and it’s an ideal place for taking pictures. Well, the bridge got washed away to say the least, and what remains is its sturdy foundation where another warning sign board was placed.





 ”Never Stop Exploring”

Off-topic entry, but isn’t it so inspiring? Yes, we will never stop exploring!


How to Get to Casaroro Falls

1. Ride a tricycle in Dumaguete city, tell the driver to drop you off at the terminal for Valencia. It is located near the public market, but if you don’t want to wait for the jeep to load, hire a tricycle to Valencia proper but it will be more expensive. You may try to ask at least 3 pedicab drivers how much they’d ask for the trip, compare and make a much cheaper offer to some random driver.

2. At Valencia proper, there are habal-habal drivers offering their services. At the moment, the going rate is P200 for a round trip to Casaroro falls, upto two persons. So P100 each. Travel time is less than 30 minutes. You will pass by Forrest Camp along the way, which is a cold spring resort.

We have scouted for a couple of honest drivers, asking the above rate, which is already cheap and we’ve provided their contact details and mugshots (haha) below.

Kuya Mario CP#: 09472193817


Kuya Jesse CP#: 09353425765


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