Food & Drink Magazine

Review: Wispa Gold Hot Chocolate

By Grocerygems @grocerygems
Review: Wispa Gold Hot Chocolate
I was a fan of the Wispa Hot Chocolate that came out last year and have bought it fairly regularly since it's release. That frothy top is quite something and my kids especially enjoy it. It's wonderful to see a Wispa Gold version being released, something that Kev asked for in his original review of the Wispa Hot chocolate last year (see here) so I  like to think that we have him to thank for it!
Review: Wispa Gold Hot Chocolate
The Wispa Gold is just as frothy as it's original variety. It's great watching all the bubbles froth up as soon as the water is added. The bubbles last for a while too, they don't just disappear immediately like most frothy drinks. The flavor here has the same sweet chocolatey base as the Wispa original hot chocolate, it's very sweet with a decent chocolate taste (it's not too mild tasting like some hot chocolates can be). I loved the caramel flavor here, it has more of a melted soft caramel edge rather than a stronger toffee type of flavouring, and it's lovely combined with the base chocolate. I'll certainly be buying these again in future.
So which chocolate bar would you like to see Cadbury make into a Hot Chocolate next? I love reading your comments so let me know your thoughts below :)
Grocery Gems Verdict: Cadbury Wispa Gold Hot Chocolate
RATING: 7.5 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Yes.
Nutrition (each serving)
109 calories. 3g protein, 17.0g sugar, 1.9g fat.
Purchased: Asda
Price: £0.39p (for 27g sachet).

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